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No Zero Days [Days since last zero day: 1]

Posted by Danial on

My last post was in 2016 (it’s been that long!). A lot has changed in the past 4 years, and now I’ve dived headfirst into the tech world. I won’t go into detail on what has happened so far, suffice to say, I’m now fully invested in a career revolving around tech, and am also self learning web development in my free time.

Which brings me to where I am now. After being interested in data science for the longest time, I finally managed to complete my basic Python learning (courtesy of Python Crash Course) when a semi-lockdown was in place where I’m located (March – June 2020). While it felt empowering to be able to code in Python and build random cool programs, I soon realized the limitations of Python. Python was great to build toy projects, and was powerful for data projects, but limiting when it came to the ideas I had i.e. building a personal website, creating a hobby site where I can build tools for Pokémon trading card game competitive play etc. HTML/CSS was the first order of building things, executing and implementing it for the world, and JavaScript very close behind to provide powerful performance to those things.

And thus came my pivot to learning web development in late-April/early-May. I completed the HTML/CSS curriculum on freeCodeCamp and had only 2 projects to go (technical documentation and personal web pages) before I could officially earn the Responsive Web Design Certification, but I then fell by the wayside and stopped completely the last 2 months.

I had started a 100 days of Code and was restarting so many times. I dreaded having to log in some work or learning every day, assuming that I had to put in a substantial piece of work for the day to count. And then updating it on Twitter and GitHub.

This time round, I’m taking a simple approach.

Show up every day.

Just type out a line of code or sentence.

Make sure every day has something in it that furthers learning, even if just one minute.

No zero days.

I am now following Andrei Neagoie’s Zero to Mastery Complete web development course, and validating my learning by building out a website as I follow his lessons. You can follow my learning journey here at https://firstwebsite.danialfaizsal.repl.co/ where I progressively develop the website as I learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Days since last zero day: 1 (22-08-2020).